Thursday, 28 March 2013

Tales of Nirmia

This little project was made a few months ago. The greatest part of it was that it was completely developed in C++ using DirectX and we made this game as our first game as a team.

By making this video we started to fight with different API, algorithms and problems that later we need on Motocalipsis Project.
We implemented a dinamic version of A* algorithm. In this way we avoided collisions between characters and NPCs. We wrote the code for a text display that shows the text lines in a progressive way and we wrpte clear code with encapsulation and inheritance in order to avoid the code duplicities and improve the integration and maintenance of the game. As DirectX was a requiremen for this project we needed to implement a graphics layer to allow us to port the game to Open GL, SDL or something similar in the future.

One bad think on this project was that designers didn't work on it and is for that reason that all sprites are riped from other games.

Hope you like it.

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Código de la semana

"Porno" en C#

Dentro de la siguiente clase del core del juego:
namespace Core
public class Attack : CharacterAction
nos encontraremos con este método:
El que sepa decirme qué hace le doy un premio (yo lo sé puesto que el código es mío)... ¿Nadie?

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Motocalipsis Bar 66

Hello world!!!

Welcome to "Motocalipsis Bar 66"

You'll probably have a question in mind: What the hell is Motocalipsis Bar 66? Even by its name it seems to be some kind of place where one goes to get drunk and chat. NO. Motocalipsis Bar 66 is the first 3D game from Insane Studio.

If you are looking at this page is quite probable that you are one of our friends. But if this is not the case you must have doubts and questions about who we are and what Motocalipsis is (We'll call the game Motocalipsis from shorter). So, if you please, you can lose some of your time taking a  look at our latest work and our website.

Hola Mundo!!!

Bienvenidos a "Motocalipsis Bar 66".

Quizás os esteis preguntando ¿Qué es Motocalipsis  Bar 66? aunque por el nombre parece claro que es un local en el que beber y charlar. Pues no. Motocalípsis Bar 66 es el primer videojuego en 3D de Insane Studio.

Es posible que si estas viendo esta página seas alguno de nuestros colegas a punta de pistola, pero si no es así debes de tener muchas dudas sobre quienes somos y de que va Motocalipsis (para abreviar nos comeremos el Bar 66 en más de una ocasión). Así que no pierdas más el tiempo y ponte a navegar por nuestra web y descubre que contenidos se están gestando para nuestro opera prima.